

Posts Tagged ‘george carlin

The King (of Pop) and I – (Almost) A Michael Jackson Home Story

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Although my blog is primarily German, I’ll write this post in English. Since the passing of Michael Jackson, I had lots of inspiring exchanges about him with my stateside Facebook friends. I don’t want to exclude y’all (after all, I became friends with most of you even before Liz Taylor turned Michael Jackson into the “King of Pop” 😉 ).

So, what’s the deal with the “home story” angle of the headline?

When I was working as a music journalist from the early ‘80s to the mid-’90s, I spent about five months a year in New York City (Manhattan), Los Angeles (Hollywood, 90028) and varying additional U.S. cities. In L.A., I became friends with Shirley Brooks, a Japanese-African American who, among other duties, was CBS Records’ liaison for visiting foreign journalists like me.
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Written by Peter Jebsen

30. Juni 2009 at 2:04